International colloquiums
2008 - Kranj, Slovenia, A CRCE Colloquium, “The Rule of Law in the Market Economy”
2004 - Liberty Fund Colloquium, Alpbach, Austria
2004 - Liberty Fund Colloquium, Alpbach, Austria
2003 - Liberty Fund Colloquium, Alpbach, Austria
2001 - European Union Enlargement: Benefits and Costs for Freedom in Central and Eastern Europe (Colloqium sponsored bz Liberty Fund) Alpbah, Austria
2000 - Natinalism and Fredom in Eastern Europe (Colloqium sponsored bz Liberty Fund) Alpbah, Austria
1999 - The Legacy of F.A. Hayek and W. Ropke
ICER and Postgraduate studies »Entrepreneurial Economy«
Torino, Italy